Monday, August 27, 2012

Five years

I have to say that there is SO much stuff going on in my head that it seems as if it would be an exercise in meditation (of sorts) simply to empty out everything that is in my brain; the good, the bad, the ugly, and the self-pitying.

I am positive that there is much that I can write that people will find useful or illuminating; indeed, it seems as if it's the only thing that people genuinely like about me (and, in fact, in back of a lot of the reasons why I haven't written is the fear of failure and the fear of not being liked.)

I have a long way to go, though. I need practice, practice, practice.

And reading a lot of David Foster Wallace won't really help...I mean, he really was a boy wonder. i am not. Or was not. I'm getting more jealous simply reading about him.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Need to remember...

I am alive.

I am sober.

I still have my mind and my dreams and my "potential" (although I kinda sorta loathe that word).

You will be all right but you must do your work, Kevin.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Long Time, No see...Here's What's Up

Called into work today at the factory in suburban Chicago. Said that I was sick which really isn't far from the truth at all.

The truth is that I am tired.

I don't want to work there.

This blog work is the work that I need to be doing.

That's all for this...right now.