Thursday, September 29, 2011

On the Outskirts- Vol. 1

Let's see if I have this right.

So Tulane professor Melissa Harris-Perry goes all Gap Band and drops a bomb on white liberals in The Nation magazine accusing white liberals of racism because white liberals are abandoning President Obama when they didn't abandon President Clinton.

Salon columnist Joan Walsh pens a rebuttal to Harris-Perry and pulls the "I have a black friend" card. I guess. Oh, and the black friend happens to be Harris-Perry...

Harris-Perry comes back with a "Oh no she din't" rebuttal.

And then it becomes a free for all.... David Sirota puts in his two cents, for example. There are many others.

The only thing missing was the "food fight" call.

None of these criticisms seem quite right and none of them seem quite wrong. I'll go back and read the posts and have a better informed commentary in a future post.

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